Mervin and his home in The Pitons

Hello! I'm Mervin. I'd love to share a bit about myself and the beautiful community I call home.

Mervin, the heart and soul of Piton Hikes

Who I am

Born and raised at the foot of the Pitons, I've spent my life exploring every nook and cranny of these mountains. Guiding has been my passion, and I cherish every moment on the trails.

My achievements

Known fondly as 'Mervin the Mountain Goat', I hold the record for the fastest ascent of both Pitons. But more than records, it's the smiles and memories of my fellow hikers that I value the most.

What it’s like to hike with me

With me, every hike is a unique experience. I'll share stories, point out rare plants and animals, and ensure you're comfortable every step of the way. We go at your pace.

Discover Fond Gens Libre, the heartbeat of the Pitons


The settlement dates back to the 1700s. Translated to English, Fond Gens Libre means 'valley of the free people'. We are descendants of the brigand runaway slaves who founded the village.

About the community

Fond Gens Libre is a tight-knit community nestled at the base of Gros Piton. We've been here for generations, with traditions and stories passed down through the ages.

Growing up and living here

Growing up here was a blessing. The Pitons weren't just mountains; they were our playground, our guardians, and a source of endless stories.

A history of farming

The slopes of the Pitons have been farmed for generations. From cocoa to bananas, the fertile volcanic soil provides for us, just as our ancestors once did.

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